January 16, 2025
For I, the Lord your God, will hold your right hand, Saying to you, "Fear not, I will help you!" Isaiah 41:13
This is probably one of the most impactful verses I have seen applied to my life. To explain, we have all seen a TV show with a witness being sworn in for a testimony in front of judge, jury, or court reporter. The person raises his right hand and places his left hand on The Bible. Recently, I experienced this ritual. Although not all legal establishments require the Bible portion anymore, I choose to grab it and place my left hand on the beautiful black leather cover. As I finished saying, "I Do"-I heard the Lord's voice in my head, "Dont Let Go of ME!" I kept my left hand on His word, and I know it was He who helped me with my answers. He gave me His peace, His Strength, and His calm.
**Even though the verse says, God will hold your right hand. . . --for me, He adjusted because I am a lefty 😉