As a continuation of this series, I want to delve into the topic of fear. Fear is not solely a negative infected feeling. Specifically, God designed fear for a positive purpose. For example, if you sense danger and are fearful, you have three options: flight, freeze, or fight. There are times when we are to listen to this emotion and “get-out-of-dodge” or choose to remain still with restraint; moreover, there are times that even while afraid, we need “stand-our-ground” with courage. Fear influenced by God is different than the infected fear of the enemy.
First, fleeing a situation when fearful does not mean a person is cowardly. Our bodies are constructed to react physiologically to stressful situations. For instance, “When someone experiences a stressful event, the amygdala, an area of the brain that contributes to emotional processing, sends a distress signal to the hypothalamus. This area of the brain functions like a command center, communicating with. . . the adrenal glands to release epinephrine”. 1 Thus, running to safety can naturally be the best option.
Although fear is a natural response, it is valuable to understand that it can be used against us. Hence, Satan wants to paralyze you with a different type of infected fear that controls you instead of helping you. Specifically, certain types of lies will circulate in one’s mind: “You cannot do that job, you are not smart enough”; “Don’t move away from family-you will not know a single soul”; “Do not fight injustice-it’s not worth; give up-you will never win”; and “Stay home, it is safer”. Thus, this type of negative fear can cripple us and is not in line with God’s will.
Next, restraint. Sometimes in the face of fear or intense situations, the best course of action is to do nothing. Remember the childhood game “Red Light/Green Light”? When you heard the words, “Red light”, you had to freeze, or you were caught and out of the game. Similarly, it is hard to be quiet and/or sit still when challenged. For instance, it is difficult not reacting to being bullied on social media; aggressively confronted by a person with verbal insults; or unjustly losing a game, prospective job, or one’s patience”. As a mother of four sons, I instructed my boys, “You have a choice: you can either fuel the fire and make things worse or you can throw sand on it and put it out”. There are definitely times when God wants you to hold back. Even Jesus restrained from responding when ridiculed by the Religious Leaders. (Isaiah 53:7)
Finally, let’s discuss my favorite. When challenged, my response is to fight. My Italian type-A personality without a doubt, favors this one. To be fully transparent, admittedly, I have been known to “bolt” from specific dangers too. Unfortunately, a snake, spider, and anything that flies with a stinger are not interested in my strong-willed temperament. (Lol- There is a story of me pushing a little girl, Cara who I was watching, aside while I ran away from an angry nest of hornets. Once I realized, I did run back to grab her and took her to safety too 😊). Yet, when it comes to human confrontations, even when fearful, I do not like backing down. Calling a "spade, a spade” is one of my favorite sayings, and I do not have an issue with informing someone to his face that he is wrong! Even Jesus spoke up at the proper time to the Religious Hypocrites by calling them Snakes and Vipers (Matthew 23:33). Timing and delivery are important. Thus, God has taught me when to keep quiet and how to appropriately “speak the truth” in a more loving/respectful manner.
It is crucial to remember the Godly aspect of “fear”, characterized by awe and reverence for His role in our lives. This fear is not dreadful; it is beautiful. It is the chosen fear of submission and respect that recognizes we are the wonderful creation of a Creator Who holds the whole world in His hands (Psalms 24:1)
In conclusion, we can learn how to handle fear with appropriate responses: avoidance, stillness, or action. Do not allow the deceitful ways of the enemy to infect your brain with fear. Instead, when confronted with troubling situations, pray for the right option. Remaining influenced by the Holy Spirit helps us to discern whether it is best to flee, appropriate to freeze, or time to stand and fight.
1. Understanding the stress response – Harvard Health
Psalms 24:1
“The earth is the Lord’s and all its fullness, The world and those who dwell therein” (NKJV)
Isaiah 53:7
“He was oppressed, and He was afflicted yet he opened not his mouth . . .” See Luke 23:6-12.
Matthew 23:33
“Snakes! Sons of vipers! How will you escape the judgement of hell?” See Matthew 23.