
Saturday, October 28, 2023, 13:15

Infected or Influenced Series:

Money is the Root of All Evil.

I purposefully misquoted the Bible in this title.  Why

Three reasons:

1.       Because many people believe this to be the actual scripture.

2.        I wanted to grab your attention. 

3.       One cannot believe everything they hear.

The love of money is the root of all evil” is what is accurately in the Bible (1 Timothy 6:10). By leaving out the first three words, this scripture has been the cause of many believers thinking that having money is wrong. Having money is not sinful, it is how we view it, and what we do with it that makes the difference. To explain, let me give you a few examples of both Old Testament and New Testament people in the Bible who obviously had money.  First, Abraham. God promised Abraham that his heritage would be vaster than the stars above.  Abraham is considered the “Father” of all nations, and according to the Bible, he was quite wealthy too. He even shared his wealth/land with his nephew, Lot. Subsequently, the Old Testament is filled with kings whose richness was enormous.  King David was a man after God’s own heart who did not let his wealth cause him to stumble.  King Solomon, David’s son was considered the wisest and richest man who ever lived.  Next, in The New Testament, we read about Precilla and Aquilla, a married couple who owned a tentmaking business (Acts 18:1-3). They used their means to support new believers including the Apostle Paul. Moreover, even a well-off Roman Centurion used his money to build a Synagogue (Luke 7:5). Lastly, Joseph of Arimathea used his finances to pre-pay his own burial site; yet, instead donated the tomb for Jesus (Matthew 27:56-60).

So, if having money is fine then what does this verse actually mean?  Once a person’s thoughts, desires, and actions solely revolve around money and the things that it can do, that is when it has become an idol in his heart.  “Have no other gods before me” (Exodus 20:3) does not just mean statues or other religious gods, it means anything that takes the place of God in your heart.  Being successful is not wrong, but stepping over people, lying, or cheating to get there is the problem.  Having a retirement fund, money in the bank, stock investments, a nice home or car, and decent clothes on your back are not immoral, but getting your “worth or value” from those things is fallacious. Throughout the Bible, God continues to illustrate that He is a God Who wants to bless us (ex: Numbers 6:24-26) and not just spiritually, physically, or emotionally-but, also financially.  The key is to learn how to balance all (whether a lot or a little) He has bestowed upon you. 

Below are 3 ways to keep your financial heart in check:

1.  Tithe regularly.  Tithing is giving God your first fruits.  Not seconds or lasts!  To clarify, if you make X amount of dollars give God’s kingdom 10% (that is from the Gross amount and not the Net 😊). 

2.  Give more!  Tithing is Biblical but generosity is priceless.  We can be plentiful with our finances by using it to bless other people.  Examples, if you see a homeless person, give them food, water, or clothing (not money because this can be used wrongly).  When you know your neighbor/friend is out of work or just having a hard time making ends meet, pay their electric bill; buy them a gas card; or make a monthly house payment/rent. Ask your local church who in your area may need help if you do not know anyone personally. In today’s economy there are a lot of people in need.  

3.  Live below your means.  Specifically, do not spend more than you make.  This helps you keep your desires in check while also preparing for any future unexpected needs. Do not try and keep up with the Jones’, just keep your eyes “up” on Heavenly things above. Plus, choosing your purchases wisely allows you the opportunity to continually bless others even more.

Is the root of money infecting you or are you enjoying God’s monetary blessings while using it to positively influence the world? To make sure it’s the latter, ask God for His wisdom.  He is the best Financial Advisor ever!

Song: Give me Your Eyes by Brandon Heath.

Scripture: “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace” (Numbers 6:24-26)

Kate wrote:
Saturday, October 28, 2023, 14:49
I have been up and down on the tithing topic and committing to do it. Last weekend, there was a women's conference at my church and a few topics touched me and one was tithing. When my payslip was available online, I looked at it and wrote a check for Sunday. Now your post just cemented my commitment. Perfect timing...God's timing always is.
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