
Tuesday, July 11, 2023, 12:58

What is your “Promised Land?”  What are you waiting to happen or to see?  A new job, new girlfriend/boyfriend, an upcoming wedding, a new home, vacation plans, or a new baby?  We all have times in our lives when we are looking forward to the next thing.

It is important to have goals, dreams, and hopes for a better future.  Yet, when we think about tomorrow, we must remember to not forget about today.  If we over focus on what we think we want, two things can occur:

1. We may complain about not having it now.

2. We miss out on the blessing we have living in the present. 

Either one will lead to a lack of contentment which ultimately steals our joy. 

To illustrate, God promised the Israelites that He would lead them out of slavery from Egypt to a Land of Milk and Honey, (Exodus 3:8). Although they believed God and willingly followed with Moses leading the way, when things got tough and the days and nights dragged on and on, they stumbled. Through their complaining, they turned their backs on God and worshipped a shiny, golden calf (Exodus 32).  They lost sight of God’s promises, and as a result, they wandered in the wilderness for 40 years. 

Often, we can feel like we are in our own type of wilderness. For me, a wilderness is dark, scary, and lurking with “lions, and tigers and bears-OH MY”! (just love The Wizard of OZ-such a classic)  While we may not be facing actual lions, tigers or bears, the waiting can be frightening, discouraging, and perplexing.  

Why is God leaving us in this forest of limbo?  Here are a couple of reasons to think about:

1.       God is preparing us for what is next.  The wilderness is an opportunity to grow and learn how to handle anything that comes your way.  For example, a parent will not wisely allow his child to get in the car and drive. The parent teaches him the basics first and makes sure he is responsible enough to handle it and to even appreciate it. 

2.       In the wilderness of waiting, God is creating an environment where we have to rely on Him.  To illustrate, the Israelites needed God to guide the way (Apple Maps or Waze did not exist back then 😉) with a cloud by day and a fire by night (Exodus 40:38). 

3.       Next, He teaches us contentment in the wilderness. If we are not happy with where we are at (looking for all the positive ways to enjoy the journey), we will not appreciate what we think we want when we do get it.

I have been experiencing my own wilderness during these last couple of years.  I have seen my faith be strong, and I have felt it waiver.  But, even when I waivered and stumbled, I did not crumble. Thankfully, the Holy Spirit continues to remind me through prayer; reading scripture/devotionals; listening to music/sermons; and supportive friends and family, that He is still in control.  When I choose to trust Him even when I do not feel like it, my faith grows even stronger.  I am not out of the wilderness-yet, but I can see the Promise Land-and it is full of my own milk and honey!

*Song: Promised Land by TobyMac

Lisa S wrote:
Tuesday, July 11, 2023, 14:58
When I think of contentment, I think of Romans 8:28-39. I have to remember that God knows the state I am in and that He has a purpose and a plan for me. I'm very thankful for the family, brothers and sisters in Christ, church families and others that encourage and support and especially God's Word. This life will always be full of mountains and valleys, and knowing that God is there with me every step of the way, that He has a plan and purpose for my life, is very comforting.
Brenda Strine wrote:
Saturday, July 22, 2023, 07:20
Thank you so much for this awesome advice. It is very much what I needed for a reminder today and every day!
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